Treasure Guardian

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Treasure Guardian

Treasure Guardian System is designed to enhance the rewards for players who engage in manual gameplay, accelerating their progress due to the great rewards you can get from the boss inside.
Boss difficulty will scale based on your character level, and you can only spawn the portal to the boss chamber from Vicious Squire hunting teleports and above.
The fun part of it, is that you can steal other people teleport chambers by joining them before it's opener, but you can also be stolen on your turn, so be quick.

The bosses available are:

  • Grave Bugglar: 82% encounter chance, yield the regular loot.
  • Ravager Treasure Stealer: 15% encounter rate, yield better loot.
  • Berserker Treasure Stealer: 3% encounter rate, yield way better loot.


  • None, only advices.


  • Not mandatory, but wear at least a full gladiator gear before entering the chamber.
  • Pause your great task before entering the chamber to avoid receiving captchas while fighting the boss.


The Chamber

You can check the treasure chamber spawned once you see a golden gate above the corpse of the recently killed monster.


Once you step on it, you'll have a confirmation message, to enter the chamber, click "yes".


Now, do your best to avoid all alert messages from the boss, and kill him as fast as possible to earn your rewards.
