Royal Shadow Coin Shop

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One of the most wanted custom currencies on Zoltyum is the Royal Shadow Coin.
It has an specific shop with some offers to aid you during your journey.

RSC Shop.gif

Shop Offers

Category Icon Offer Cost Effect
kegs Mana Keg.gif great mana keg 50 RSC usable by 120+ magical vocations
restores mana points and has 500 charges
kegs Health Keg.gif great health keg 50 RSC usable by 120+ physical vocations
restores health points and has 500 charges
potions Great Mana Potion.gif 100x great mana potion 10 RSC usable by magical vocations
restores mana points
potions Great Health Potion.gif 100x great health potion 10 RSC usable by physical vocations
restores health points
potions Great Spirit Potion.gif 100x great spirit potion 10 RSC usable by paladins
restores health and mana points
runes Sudden Death Rune.gif 100x sudden death rune 29 RSC casts a single target death damage
runes Avalanche Rune.gif 100x avalanche rune 7 RSC casts an AoE ice damage
runes Stone Shower Rune.gif 100x stone shower rune 7 RSC casts an AoE earth damage
runes Thunderstorm Rune.gif 100x thunderstorm rune 7 RSC casts an AoE energy damage
runes Great Fireball Rune.gif 100x great fireball rune 7 RSC casts an AoE fire damage
runes Explosion Rune.gif 100x explosion rune 7 RSC casts an AoE physical damage
runes Magic Wall Rune.gif 100x magic wall rune 25 RSC creates a temporary energy wall barrier
special Exercise Sword.gif training sword 100 RSC usable on a exercise dummy
special Exercise Axe.gif training axe 100 RSC usable on a exercise dummy
special Exercise Club.gif training club 100 RSC usable on a exercise dummy
special Exercise Bow.gif training bow 100 RSC usable on a exercise dummy
special Exercise Staff.gif training staff 100 RSC usable on a exercise dummy