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Zoltyum monsters have different attributes, it means that a Graveyard Demon (Demon Skeleton) is way stronger than a Hero, for example.
Every monster has particular attributes, and they come with a level on their name (L.00).

Monster levels are meant to give monsters sighly more/less attributes, making it different but very simillar while hunting.

Monster level.gif

Special Spawns

Every monster slain gives you a chance to spawn a special monster.
Special monsters gives players more experience and better loot from orbs, but they're also stronger monsters with more damage, health and speed boost.

They spawn through this teleporter once a monster has been slain:
Energy Gate.gif

Special spawn monsters are stronger than the default, and will have an identifier emblem and a border of the same color:

  • Veteran.gif Veteran: deals +15% base damage than a regular monster. They have 25% chance of spawning a veteran orb.
  • Elite.gif Elite: deals +25% base damage than a regular monster. They have 100% chance of spawning an elite orb.
  • Champion.gif Champion: deals +40% base damage than a regular monster. They have 100% chance of spawning a champion orb.

Monster Tokens

Special Spawns also drop monsters tokens in which are used on the mystic forge.
The amount of tokens dropped scales with your continental progression:

Veteran Token.gif Elite Token.gif Champion Token.gif

  • C1 special spawn: 1-2 tokens per kill
  • C2 special spawn: 1-2 tokens per kill
  • C3 special spawn: 1-3 tokens per kill
  • C4 special spawn: 1-4 tokens per kill

Monster Orbs

Orbs are spawned automatically once a monster is slain.
They're gathered automatically by using 1 energy point if the orb is at least visible on the screen.

It is not possible to spawn orbs if your stamina is below 14 hours.


Orbs will have an identifier color and yield rewards based on the monster class:

You can still farm orbs by using multiclient (MC's), there are a limit of 3 characters per IP range.
If you have, for example, 6 characters farming, only the 3 highest levels will absorb the orbs.