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Donations are the greatest way to keep the server up and bringing new systems and updates.
Through donations, you can have access to two different currencies: Donation Points and Jewels.

They are made through donation page.


  • Payments are final and non refundable.
  • What you do with your coins ingame is your entire responsability.
  • You commit that you are the owner of the account in which you are going to do the payment.
  • You agree that the staff will not be held responsible in case you lose your coins for account trading and sharing.
  • You agree that the staff will not be held responsible in case you lose your coins for trading in game.

Donation Points

All donation points Donation Points.gif bought through the donation page are legacy and will return to you every season in a 75% rate.
It have an specific shop ingame aswell, click here to see the offers.

Here is the table of offers:

Offer 75% Rate Price Extra
500 donation points 375 donation points $10 nothing
1038 donation points 778 donation points $20 1x nocturnal global booster
1578 donation points 1183 donation points $30 1x nocturnal global booster
2700 donation points 2025 donation points $50 3x nocturnal global booster
5500 donation points 4125 donation points $100 8x nocturnal global booster
11500 donation points 8625 donation points $200 18x nocturnal global booster
17250 donation points 12937 donation points $300 28x nocturnal global booster



All jewels Jewels.png bought through the donation page are not legacy. They won't return to you every season.
Some of the offers on the Jewel Shop are legacy, by the way.

Here is the table of offers:

Offer Price Extra
1250 jewels $25 nothing
2750 jewels $55 nothing
6875 jewels $125 nothing
15000 jewels $250 12x nocturnal global booster
21775 jewels $335 21x nocturnal global booster
32500 jewels $500 32x nocturnal global booster