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Traits System

Traits are a system that allows you to further upgrade your character.

To open the traits system, simply click on the client button shown below:


Traits Interface

Once you click on the Traits System button, you will be able to see the traits you can upgrade, their effect, and their current stage.

Every upgrade is cummulative, and the higher the stage is, the higher will be the required tier of the trait to upgrade it.


How To Upgrade

Once you use a trait by clicking on it Traitt2.png, you'll turn it into a character-bound-point and will be able to put this point into the desired upgrade.

You can put multiple points at once by using the buttons "Choose 1", "Choose 5" or "Choose 10".



How To Clear Traits


Traits Upgrades

Trait Name Effect
Trait of Life increases max HP by 0.25%
Trait of Spirit increases max MP by 0.25%
Trait of Reflection increases damage reflection by 0.25%
Trait of Power increases psysical damage boost in 0.15%
Trait of Knowledge increases magical damage boost in 0.15%
Trait of Bulwark increases psysical protection boost in 0.15%
Trait of Countermagic increases magical protection boost in 0.15%
Trait of Life increases healing boost by 1%
Trait of Catalysm increases healing boost from potions by 0.25%