Gear Upgrading

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Gear Upgrading

The best way to achieve endgame is through owning very powerful gear.
There are three ways to do it:

Their effect are cummulative with each other.

Upgrade Crystals

Upgrade Crystals adds stats to your gear. Upgrade Crystals.gifT2 Upgrade Crystals.gifT3 Upgrade Crystals.gif

You can read more about it here.

Mystic Forge

Mystic Forge adds ranks to your gear. Veteran Token.gif Elite Token.gif Champion Token.gif

You can read more about it here.

Exaltation Forge

Exaltation Forge adds tiers to your gear. Exalted Dust.gif

Note that: tiers aren't transferable!

You can read more about it here.

Transfering Bonuses

Your gear is the base of your progress.
As you gear gets deprecated through leveling and better set pieces are being obtained, the best thing to do is tranfering bonuses from one piece to another.

To transfer bonuses, follow the steps below:

Remember that: tiers aren't transferable!

Transfer Bonuses.gif