Mobile Stash

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Mobile Stash

Stash allows you stowing all stackable items to a sub-inventory which you can access anywhere, without using your character capacity.

To acess your Supply Stash, click on this button on your client:


Stowing Items

To stow an item, hold down CTRL and click on the item you want to stow. Then, you'll have two options:

  • Stow: Asks if you want to stow an specific amount of the selected item.
  • Stow all items of this time: Stow all stacks of items from the same ID that you have on your backpack.


Once you select the desired option, the item will be stowed to your Supply Stash.


Retrieving Items

To retrieve an item, open the Stash and click on the item you wanna retrieve back to your backpack.

Choose the selected amount, and if you have enough slots and capacity, the items will be send to your backpack.



Stowing Containers

You can still stow all stackable content from your container, just by holding down CTRL and clicking on it.


Once you use this option for the first time, probably this confirmation will pop:


You can turn this message off my checking the do not show this dialog again checkbox, or by disabling this message on your client configuration.


Refreshing Capacity

Sometimes you'll see that even after stowing content from your backpack, your capacity will be counting as they're still there.

To quick fix it and refresh your character capacity, just move any item from your backpack to the floor.