Conditions Manager

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To open the Conditions bot you must click the button Bot Conditions Button.PNG that is below your equipment slots.

Conditions Settings

Bot Conditions.PNG.

Cure Conditions:

  • Poison - If poisontick is above the first value and mana is above the second value, cast 'exana pox'.
  • Death - If deathtick is above the first value and mana is above the second value, cast 'exana mort'.
  • Bleed - If bleedtick is above the first value and mana is above the second value, cast 'exana kor'.
  • Fire - If firetick is above the first value and mana is above the second value, cast 'exana flam'.
  • Energy - If energytick is above the first value and mana is above the second value, cast 'exana vis'.
  • Paralyze - If paralyzed, cast the first value if mana is above the second value.

Hold Conditions:

  • If not hasted, cast either 'utani hur' or 'utani gran hur'.
  • If not recovering, cast either 'utura' or 'utura gran'.
  • If not manashield, cast 'utamo vita'.
  • If not blood rage, cast either 'utito tempo' or 'utito tempo san'.