Caster & Targeter

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To open the Targetting/Magicshooter bot you must click the button Bot Targeter Button.PNG that is below your equipment slots.

Targetting/Magicshooter Settings


  • Monster Name - Name of the creature. To target every creature type * instead of monster name.
  • Level Range - Set the Minimum level and Maximum level of the creature you want to attack first.
  • Emblem - Choose a Veteran, Elite or Champion creature you want to attack first.
  • Priority - Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High.
  • Strategy - The way your character will approach the creature.


  • Spell - The spell words. It is advised to put spells with highest cooldown on top of the list.
  • PercHp - Set either above or below HP monster's range to be 'valid' for shooting.
  • Value - The value of monster's HP percent.
  • Requires Target - Check/Uncheck if the spell needs a target to be casted.
  • Up Arrow - Moves spell in the list 1 up, giving it a higher priority.
  • Down Arrow - Moves spell in the list 1 down, giving it a lower priority.
  • Delete - Deletes the entry
  • New - Creatures a new entry

Magicshooter (Runes)

  • Item - The spell words.
  • Monsters - Name of the creature. To target every creature type * instead of monster name
  • PercHp - Set either above or below HP monster's range to be 'valid' for shooting.
  • Value - The value of monster's HP percent.
  • Requires Target - Check/Uncheck if the spell needs a target to be casted.
  • Up Arrow - Moves spell in the list 1 up, giving it a higher priority.
  • Down Arrow - Moves spell in the list 1 down, giving it a lower priority.
  • Delete - Deletes the entry
  • New - Creatures a new entry

Bot Targeter.PNG