Zoltyum Bot

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Use the list of contents below to find what are you looking for.

Useful Info

You can open Zoltyum Bot by clicking on this client button right here:


The first thing you'll see when clicking this button is a window saying that the bot is "disabled".


To turn it on, just click on the Off button.
It is important to say that there is a 1 button on the left, it shows the current bot profile that is active at moment and you can set 10 different configurations to choose between them.

Main Tab

Here you will find most of the bot configuration options. Once the bot is On you can configure them by clicking the "Setup" option.
To enable or disable an option, just click on the button showing the option name.

Some options can have 5 different settings and you can quickly switch between them by clicking the "1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5" button.



Condition Manager aids you in combat by healing or holding conditions that might be useful.
Friendly reminder: Remember to tick the checkboxes to enable or disable conditions.


Cure Conditions

Aids you by healing negative statuses you might have. Here is a few examples:

  • Once your character is poisoned, it will cast "exana pox". Once you're burning, it will cast "exana flam".
  • If your character is paralyzed, it will cast the spell you put on the textbox, in this example, "utani hur".

Hold Conditions

Aids you by renewing conditions that might be useful during your journey. Here is a few examples:

  • Once you're not hasted, it will cast "utani hur" or any other spell you configure on the textbox..
  • Once you're not protected by a magic shield, it will cast "utamo vita". Same works for recovery conditions like utura and utura gran.

You still have two self-explanatory options:

  • Don't cast in protecton zones
  • Stop haste if target bot is active


Healing spells and items works as priorities here, which means that the options on the top will have priorities over the above ones.

Friendly reminder: Remember to tick the checkboxes to enable or disable conditions.
Friendly reminder 2: Check conditions from RL Tibia option must be unchecked.


Spell Healing

Allows you to heal by using spells.

  • When: Decide if the spell is going to trigger depending on your current health/mana, health/mana percent or burst damage.
  • Is: Decide if it's going to get triggered above or below previous setting and at what value.
  • Cast: The spell you're going to cast when above conditions have been met.
  • Mana Cast: Required mana to use the spell (It can be "1").
  • Move Down: Moves a spell down one row, giving it a lower priority.
  • Move Up: Moves a spell up one row, giving it a higher priority.
  • Add: Creates a new entry.

Item Healing

Allows you to heal by using items.

  • When: Decide if the item is going to trigger depending on your current health/mana, health/mana percent or burst damage.
  • Is: Decide if it's going to get triggered above or below previous setting and at what value.
  • Use: The item you're going to use when above conditions have been met. You can drag the item or select it by it's ID number.
  • Move Down: Moves a spell down one row, giving it a lower priority.
  • Move Up: Moves a spell up one row, giving it a higher priority.
  • Add: Creates a new entry.

To remove an entry, just click the small X button at the end of the row.

Additional Settings

Allows you to configure some more options.

  • Also check conditions from RL Tibia: This option must be disabled!
  • Check spell cooldowns: Check if the spell is not on cooldown before using it.
  • Items must be visible (recommended): Use items only if they are visible on the container.
  • Don't use items when interacting: Prevents item usage if you're doing some actions like pulling levers.
  • Additional delay when looting corpses: Use items more slowly while you're opening corpses.
  • Cooldown based on "Aaaah...." message: Will use the orange message as a reference to use the healing item again.


Attack Bot allows you to use spells, items or empowerment spells while hunting.

Spells on top of the list have more priority than the above ones.
Friendly reminder: Check conditions from RL Tibia option must be unchecked.


Spell Shooter

Shows you the list of spells you have set.

  • Spell Type: Decides the kind of spell you're going to cast when the criteria has been met.
  • Move Down: Moves a spell down one row, giving it a lower priority.
  • Move Up: Moves a spell up one row, giving it a higher priority.
  • Monster Name: Set the monsters in which the spell will be casted. Use * to target all monsters.
  • Spell Name: Set the spell you're going to cast when all criteria has been met.
  • Mana%: Set the minimum mana percent you must have to cast the spell.
  • Creatures: Set the minimum creatures that must be on screen before casting the spell. Ticking the checkbox allows it to cast if there is more than the amount put around you.
  • HP: Stops using the spell when monster HP reaches the maximum value on the left, and starts casting the spell when monster HP reaches the minimum value on the right.
  • CD: Cooldown in miliseconds (1 second = 1000)

To remove an entry, just click the small X button at the end of the row.

Additional Settings

Allows you to configure some more options.

  • Check RL Tibia conditions: This option must be disabled!
  • Don't use area attacks if less than kills to redskull: Stops using area spells if you're less than this amount of frags from getting red skull.
  • Turn to side with most monster: Your character face the monsters while using spells. Useful for wave spells that doesn't have a target like "exevo vis hur".
  • Check spell cooldowns: Check if the spell is not on cooldown before using it.
  • Items must be visible (recommended): Use items only if they are visible on the container.
  • PVP Mode: Only uses attack spells/runes if your character has PVP Mode enabled.
  • PVP Safe: Only uses attack spells/runes if your character has PVP Mode disabled.
  • Stop when attacking trainers: Stop using attack spells/runes if your character is targeting a trainer.
  • Stop if Anti-RS player in range: ? xD

To reset AttackBot settings back to default, just click the "reset settings" button on this screen.

Eatable Items

The Eatable items part is also self-explanatory.


You can drag and drop the items you want to eat automatically here.

Cast Food

Casts "exevo pan" spell once you have enough mana.

Eat Food

Enable and disable the tool.

Heal Friends

A tool to help Druids using their heal friend (exura sio) spell.


Sio At

Set the minimum amount of HP the target character must have before using the spell.

Name1, Name2

Set the target characters that will be healed automatically.
If you want to heal more than one player, separate them by using commas, like "character one, character two, character three"

Target Tab

Here you will find configurations related to targeting.
Start by cliking on the Add button to create a new preset, and then hit the Off button to turn it On.


  • Add: Adds a new preset.
  • Edit: Edits the current preset.
  • Rem: Deletes the current preset.

The options below will show you some information about your configurations and the monster that you are targeting.

Target Creature Editor

Here you can configure the monsters, or players you want to target automatically.


  • Target Name: Define who is going to be targeted.

Using * targets any closest monster. Using ? targets any closest player. Using , makes you able to input more than a monster/player.

  • Priority: Define the priority of the target. Higher values have priority over the lowest values.
  • Danger: Define the dangerousness of the target. Higher values have priority over the lowest values.
  • Max Distance: Define the range in SQM the monster or player must be from you before being targeted.
  • Chase: Chase the foe as soon as it has been targeted by you.
  • Face Monsters: Stands in front of the foe as soon as it has been targeted.
  • Avoid Wave Attacks: Avoids wave attacks from the target foe.

Editing Targets

As soon as you add a new entry, you can edit those by using the buttons below on the target tab.


  • Add: Adds a new target.
  • Edit: Edits the selected target.
  • Rem: Deletes the selected target.
  • Show Target Priority: Shows the priority of the monster that your character is actually targeting in game screen.

Heal Bot Examples

Here you can see how to configure some spells and items on heal bot. Use the conditions below:

  • When Mana Percent Is Below 99 Cast Exom Gran Mana Cost 1

This is going to use Exom Gran (mana healing spell for mages) when your character mana is below 99%. If you put 100%, it is going to spam the spell.


  • When Health Percent Is Below 99 Cast Exura Gran Ico Mana Cost 1

This is going to use Exura Gran Ico (health healing spell for knights) when your character health is below 99%. If you put 100%, it is going to spam the spell.


  • When Mana Percent Is Below 70 Use Strong Mana Potion

This is going to use Strong Mana Potion (mana healing items for players above level 50) when your character mana is below 70%. If you put 100%, it is going to non-stop using the item.


Target Bot Examples

Here you can see how to configure some spells on targeting. Use the conditions below:

  • In this example, there will be used a Targeted Spell on any targeted creature (*).
  • The spell to be used will be Exori Flam if character's mana is above 1%, and if there are 1 or more creatures around the character.


  • In this example, there will be used an Empowerment Spell on any targeted creature (*).
  • The spell to be used will be Utito Tempo San if character's mana is above 1%, and if there are 1 or more creatures around the character.


  • In this example, there will be used an Absolute Spell (AoE) on any targeted creature (*).
  • The spell to be used will be Exevo Gran Mas Frigo if character's mana is above 1%, and if there are 1 or more creatures around the character.


  • In this example, there will be used an Area Rune (AoE) on any targeted creature (*).
  • The rune to be used will be Great Fireball if character's mana is above 1%, and if there are 3 or more creatures around the character.
