Currencies are commonly used to trade with NPC's or players.
Below, there is a list of all currencies (including customs) and the main thing they can be used for.
Physical Currencies
Gold Coin / Bar of Gold
- Usable to buy stuff from regular NPC's.
- Usable on the Market
- Usable to Transfer Bonuses between gears.
- Usable on Champion Challenge.
Royal Shadow Coin
- Usable on the Market
- Usable to Transfer Bonuses between gears.
Shadow Coin
- Usable on Karma Shop
Veteran Token
- Usable on Mystic Forge
- Usable on Karma Shop
- Usable on Crafting
Elite Token
- Usable on Mystic Forge
- Usable on Karma Shop
- Usable on Crafting
Champion Token
- Usable on Mystic Forge
- Usable on Crafting
Boss Coin
Character Bound Currencies
Dungeon Points
- Usable on Dungeon Shop
Boss Points
- Usable on Boss Charges Shop