Beginners Guide
First, and not least important:
Welcome to Zoltyum and feel yourself at home.
This guide was designed to help you getting into the main mechanics and systems that the server can offer.
First Steps
Once you logged in into the game and dressed yourself with your best colors, know that the server has some idle/afk features which you are allowed to use.
This server has a built-in bot which is highly recommended configuring. You can check the page by clicking in here.
If you need to know the main spells for the server and cooldowns, you can check the spells page in here.
Now that you're ready for battle, let's get into the Hunting Grounds teleport.
Monsters And Tasks
Creatures in here are designed with different attributes than RL Tibia, you can have a base of their power by checking their level.
On the hunting grounds, you'll find hunting lobbies with different level range and inside every lobby, the most important thing for progression: tasks
Is highly recommended getting tasks on hard difficulty to receive the biggest amount of rewards and experience as possible.
Money And Loot
"So, where is all my money going? scam :("
You do not need to worry about taking loot from monster corpses. Money will be sent straight to your bank account (if you're not in a party).
Instead of regular drops, creatures will sometimes spawn monster orbs which mostly yields creature products as their loot.
The best thing about monster orbs: rewards are gathered automatically and sent straight to your inventory!
Orbs And Stash
As I was saying, creature products gotten from monster orbs can be used to craft cosmetics.
They are permanent bonuses added to your character beside of giving you a fancy look.
Well, they take slots from your inventory, right? What if I tell you that you can have a mobile stash to carry anywhere you go?
Next Steps
So, you made it to level 50, right?
Once you reach this milestone, you will be rewarded with:
- 10x upgrade crystals
usable on gear upgrading
- 5x spell stones
usable on spell progress tree
- 5x mastery stones
usable on mastery tree
- 1x strong potion
usable as a better source of item healing
- 1x pannier backpack
usable as a 32 volumes container