Mastery Tree

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Masteries can provide your character permanent bonuses in exchange of mastery points. Mastery Stone.png

Masteries comes in three different tier:

  • T1 Normal Mastery
  • T2 Epic Mastery
  • T3 Legendary Mastery

In order, you must fill all your normal progress (T1) before upgrading the epic progress (T2), and so on.

To open your mastery tree, click on this button:

Mastery Tree Button.gif

Here is a list of all masteries available and their benefits:

Mastery Benefits
Endurance increase your max health in 0.5%
Domination increase your max mana in 0.5%
Fortitude increase your physical damage in 0.1%
Wizardry increase your magical damage in 0.1%
Vitality increase your healing with spells in 0.1%
Dexterity increase your attack speed in 0.2%
Recovery increase your healing with potions in 0.5%
Wisdom increase your mana healing with potions in 0.5%
Hornery increase your critical hit chance and damage in 0.5%