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First Official Season 24/11/2023

Started By GM | 20th Nov 2023 - 12:36 AM

Era Introduction

Zoltyum - Age of Cataclysm beta phase is finally over and we present you the most important features and changes implemented throughout the beta phase, enjoy!

Exp: Custom (Semi - Low)
Skill: 3x
Magic: 1x
Loot: Custom (Special items on all creatures)
Type: Open PvP (Expert PvP available)
Frags to red skull: 10 on a day, 1 frag removed every 4 hours

Skills/Mls grant dmg exponentially in a 10 by 10 factor
Armor reduces incoming damage (both magical and physical)


In Zoltyum we have 5 professions, 4 of them (Lumberjacking, Mining, Farming and Skinning) are oriented to materials gathering and 1 (Fishing) oriented in boss farming.

On every profession based on your skill and tool you will find unique materials used in several crafting recipes among other important things.


Crafting system comes along with 8 different craft professions which offer a very depth and complex amount of recipes which will be required or helpful on several aspects of the game.


Bastions are special spawns specially designed to incentive manual playing, in these spawns monsters yield larger amounts of experience and also they have the chance to drop “special crates” which yield especial rewards.

  • Bastion creatures will ignore all your armor, so be careful when hunting here.

  • Bastion Charges:Bastion charges are automatically gained every 8 hours and your character can hold a max of 3 charges at time.1 Bastion Charge means 30 minutes of hunt time inside a bastion.

  • Bastion Verification:

Bastions will trigger every now and then a screen or you that will display a basic monster on it, to verify you are not afk botting you will be forced to reply.

Failing to reply the verification will result in another verification screen popping for a last try to verify your manual gameplay.

Failing to reply the second verification will result in you being kicked out of the bastion and your bastion charge being lost.

  • Bastion Levels:

Each bastion will allow you to increase it’s difficulty by collecting bastion charms from special crates, increasing a bastion difficulty means that monsters will behave differently for every person inside the bastion.

  • Damage done:

Bastion level 1 will reduce your damage made to creatures inside the bastion by 10%
level 2 by 15%
level by 20%
level 4 by 25%
level 5 by 30%
level 6 by 35%
level 7 by 40%
level 8 by 45%
level 9 by 50%
level 10 by 55%

  • Damage taken:

Bastion level 1 will increase your damage taken by creatures inside the bastion by 30%
level by 60%
level by 90%
level 4 by 120%
level 5 by 160%
level 6 by 190%
level 7 by 230%
level 8 by 260%
level 9 by 290%
level 10 by 320%

Experience gain:
Bastion level 1 will increase your experience gained by creatures inside the bastion by 20%
level 2 by 40%
level 3 by 60%
level 4 by 80%
level 5 by 100%
level 6 by 120%
level 7 by 140%
level 8 by 160%
level 9 by 180%
level 10 by 200%

  • Special Crates:These crates are dropped by recently defetead bastion foes, these crates can only be opened by the chest owner, and by opening them it will begin a 5 monster wave fight that you will be forced to complete in order to claim the rewards.

Boxes yield a 300 second timer which is the total time for you to beat the challenge.

Dying or counter reaching 0 seconds will result in the removal of the special chest.

There are 4 boxes ranks, each of them holding more special and epic rewards

  • Common:Requires bastion lvl 1 (base level) for you to have a chance to spawn them.

  • Rare:Requires bastion lvl 1 (base level) for you to have a chance to spawn them.

  • Epic:Requires bastion lvl 4 for you to have a chance to spawn them.

  • LegendaryRequires bastion lvl 7 for you to have a chance to spawn them.

Great Tasks

Unlike normal tasks, great tasks is a system oriented to boost the progression of manual players allowing them to get better amounts of rewards than normal tasks and even being able to take it to the limit by choosing the highest amount of possible monsters

This system will pop a captcha for you every 5 mins like bastions in order to proove you are active, failing to do so 2x will result in your task being cancelled.

Relic Merge

T1 relics can now be merged into t2 and t3 relics by combining 3 or more relics of the same kind, ofc it comes with certain success chance which can be increased by certain catalysts.


Zoltyumdrome is an era lasting arena system with endless waves, each wave being harder than the previous and of course more rewarding.

On each wave you will find 5 classes of creatures.

Support melee that heals all monsters near it

Ranged with Aoe spells and high damage spikes

Ranged with consistent single target damage

Tanky melee

High single target damage melee

Besides the waves of monsters, Zoltyumdrome comes with different mechanics designed to create a more challenging experience while running it, at the beginning of each wave a specific mechanic will be set and will be cast every x seconds. Here is the list of possible mechanics.

The Floor is Lava: Every 15 seconds several random fields will be marked. After 3 seconds they deal damage equal to 60% of the current HP of players standing on them

Beam me Up!: Every 15 seconds several random fields will be marked. After 3 seconds all players on them will be teleported to a random position in the arena.

Tanked Up: Every 15 seconds several random fields will be marked. After 3 seconds all players on them will be superdrunk for 10 seconds and monsters on the wave will increase their difficulty by 10%

Frozen Seeds: 2 frozen seeds will randomly spawn in the map, if you dont step on them before they grow they will explode freezing everyone by 4 seconds and increasing wave monsters by 20%

Exploding Barrels: Several explosive barrels will spawn in the arena, they will ignite after 3 seconds of spawned and dealing 30% of your total health/mana per barrel hit.

And last but not least, Exploding Corpses: When monster die they will explode dealing heavy damage on the area.

Rewards: You will be rewarded with zoltyumdrome points based on the last completed wave, each wave you reach will reward you its number in points (I.E. wave 9 completed = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 points)

Points can be spent on Zoltyumdrome shop, which offers permanent character bonuses. Keep in mind that prices are progressive, so each time you buy an offer it will permanently increase it’s price.

Also, offers in this shop have a limit of how many times it can be purchased.

It’s also important to mention that Zoltyumdrome system will remember your last wave completed and sends you back 9 waves on your next run, which means if you managed to get to wave 25 on your first run you won’t have to run waves 1 to 16 again.

Trial of Heroes

Trial of heroes is an era long feature which will take you to several scenarios, with different missions and bosses with an ever scaling difficulty.

For the moment stages 1 to 8 are available (stage 4 is harder than any desert content and 7 harder than winter content)

Completing each stage will reward your whole team, the more survivors means the more boxes the team will get (doesn’t apply on points).

Cooldown will be 10 hours (same as Zoltdrome)

Min of 2 players and a max of 4 (for every extra member after “2” the trials will become 15% harder [so for 4 it will be 30% harder])

The lowest str of a team member must be at the most 30% lower than the higher member str of the team.

This system is oriented for players of atleast lvl 500 on first continent, decently geared. (For stage 1)

Each stage will drop tier trial boxes, these boxes are the most rewarding in any current system (progression wise)
Each stage will grant you trial points which can be spent in the system offered by NPC Avangart in ToH room.

Guild System

A new guild system which brings a large variety of features has been implemented:

  • Guild Experience & LevelsCompleting differenting features in the game like doing quests, dungeons among other things will grant you guild contribution contracts which can be traded with NPC caliso for guild experience, gaining experience will allow your guild to level up and gain different benefits.

  • Guild BoostsAfter unlocking certain level ranges you will be able to choose between different boosts opttions which will be applied to your whole guild.

  • Guild BenefitsAfter achieving certain levels your guild will gain access to special places like better gathering areas for professions among other things.

And much more!


Smelting station has been implemented, smelting station will allow you destroy certain items in exchange of certain materials

It is now possible to smelt tier items into dusts!

Smelting Ratio:
Tier 1 = 3 exalted dusts.
TIer 2 = 10 exalted dusts.
Tier 3 = 25 exalted dusts.

Its also now possible to smelt tokens in the following ratio:
1 champion token = 2 elite tokens
1 elite token = 3 veteran tokens

Boss Fragments

In Zoltyum all the spawn, world boss, mini world boss and spawn raid bosses yield boss fragments, boss fragments are bound to specific equipment items depending on its kind and will grant your items with permanent bonuses.

Every equipment item has locked imbuement slots which can be unlocked obtaining certain materials in the game.

Depending on the difficulty of the bosses the benefits their fragments grant vary.

New Market

A new client build market has been implemented in which you can sell any of your goods and also create buy requests for any item you may need, this system is visually appealing and also supports a variety of currencies for your convenience.

Example of sell offer being created.

Example of buy offer being created.

Desert and Winter Continent release.

2 full new continents with over 16 spawns, 16 spawn bosses and atleast 3 spawn raids each has been implemented.

These new continents also come with 32 new relics and boss fragments available and 1 mini world and world boss each.

Spawn Boss Charges Shop

A new feature: Boss charges shop has been implemented.

All killing tasks will now reward task points which can be used to buy boss charges in a new shop.


In order to take your take your monster fighting possibilities to new levels we decided to implement the long waited bestiary system, bestiary will allow you to unlock data of the monsters you hunt, once you reach the max kill requirements you will unlock all the monster info and also be rewarded with bestiary points, these points can be spent on unique and powerful charms amont other things.

A few examples of your charm points would be:

  • Freeze:
    You have a 5% chance to deal 10% of the total selected monster’s health in ice damage when its procs.

  • Parry:
    You have a 5% chance to counter the attack of your selected foe reflecting their damag back in full.

  • Dodge:
    You have a 5% chance to avoid a hit from your selected foe.


Another years awaited system finally makes it to the game, achievements is a long term system designed to allow you progress over time, they are divided into multiple sections and also divided by stages, unlocking an stage of any achievement will provide you with different bonuses that will make your character considerably stronger.

  • All the known issues have been fixed and further achievements have been introduced.

Frontline Battlegrounds

Frontline Battlegrounds brings a whole new mechanic to your hunting, monsters from winter continent and above have a chance to drop a portal where you will find a dungeon like 10 min battle experience, where you will face ferocious monsters and evil creatures which will grant you points per kill, these points will scale based on the difficulty of the frontline which is based on the killed monster and your current str.

Points obtained in the frontline battlegrounds can be spent in the frontline shop located on Winterhold TP room.

World Boss Raids

World Raids are special events that happen once every 8-10 hours, in which you have to do certain tasks in order to spawn the ultimate boss at the end of the raid. You will be rewarded properly by helping to take down the boss. Dying inside world raids will not result in death penalty.

  • This stage is the first contact with the boss realm. Here, you will need to slay a certain number of creatures so the passageway for the next stage gets cracked open. Once it opens, you may proceed to the next stage.

  • This stage consists in sacrificing a specific item obtained from the stage 2 creatures’ loot. You need to sacrifice a certain amount of the items in order to proceed to the final stage, as instructed below. After the final stage is unlocked, a portal will be opened at the beginning of the stage 1 that will lead into the second stage.

  • This stage is simple. Defeat the boss and get some awesome rewards. Be careful! This creature is very strong and it’s highly recommended to avoid being hit by any of its attacks.

Anti Collision

One of the most requested changes during the beta phase was the collision prevention between characters, we’d glad to announce that this feature has been removed and now you can smoothly walk through people.

New Bot

Zoltyum bot has been implemented, based on Vithrax Bot, this bot comes with so many improvements over the old bot that mentioning all of them would be complicated, enjoy its benefits.

Don’t forget to turn off/on the bot to save your settings.

PvP Changes

Several balance changes were done throughout the beta but here come the most important ones.

  1. Armor does not apply on pvp anymore.
  2. All spells have received a damage increase on early stages and a severe damage nerf in mid and late stages.
  3. After reaching str 13k a dmg reduction formula applies progressively on spells.
  4. Considerably adjusted reflect dmg on pvp.
  5. Reduced drown damage in pvp.

    Normal Task Changes

    Killing a veteran monster now grants 2 kills in tasks.Killing an elite monster now grants 3 kills in tasks.Killing a champion monster now grants 5 kills in tasks.

    Other Changes

  6. If you are configuring bot settings be sure to turn the bot off/on before relogging for it to properly save.
  7. Training weapons annoying “training interrupted” bug has been finally fixed.
  8. Killing a task boss will now teleport you back to the boss room if you wait to be kicked.
  9. Changed the time for kick out when killing a task boss from 30 seconds to 5 seconds.
  10. Dying to a mini world boss will now teleport you to the continent where the boss spawns.
  11. Spell progress has been increased from a max of 50 upgrades to 100.
  12. Fixed the misleading descriptions in items like t1 lucky clover amulet, ceremonial ankh, icy elixir, ornamented brooch.
  13. Nocturnia’s bastion daily boss has been nerfed in dmg and HP.
  14. Client crash related to asuras on task tracker is now fixed.
  15. Added several mounts in the first continent outfit seller to give purpose to most of the unused creature products.
  16. The level requirement for the desert cont spells has been adjusted to 1050 instead of 1250.
  17. Holy punishment spell is no longer displayed when you have other effects turned off in client settings.
  18. Fixed an issue which caused medium or hard tasks to disappear from your task tracker.
  19. A way to cancel active tasks has been implemented, ask your tasking NPC for “cancel”.
  20. The bot issue of it turning off upon restarts or crashes has been finally fixed, requires a client patch, so please close/open your client.
  21. Ancient Bogle (Champion Challenge) will no longer cast double wave/aoe.
  22. It is no longer possible to apply/remove imbuements or exalted ranks on items you are currently wearing to avoid bonuses bugging out. Place them in your backpack to upgrade them.
  23. Fixed an issue in charms shop where parry was giving dodge.
  24. Paladins healing has been considerably improved.
  25. Monsters from inquisition quest will no longer spawn as vets, elites and champions.
  26. All quests from hardbone to Inquisition are now granting jewels when completed.
  27. Minotaur boss should not be able to hit anyone from higher floors anymore.
  28. Lowered several spell cds for all vocs.
  29. Price to craft splinters has been reduced.
  30. From now all available task bosses have a chance to drop creature products.
  31. A new section on myinfo “Cosmetics” has been implemented.
  32. All known crashing the client issues have been fixed.