ONLINE 40 players

Server Rules

Spamming / Illegal Advertising:

» You are not allowed to flood channels with nonsensical messages.

» You are not allowed to send messages or discuss other Open Tibia servers or Tibia. Discussion of other games (Ex. League of Legends, Overwatch etc.) is permitted.

» You are not allowed to buy or sell any allowed material (characters, items, etc.) for real life money or commodities that possess real life money value. Doing so will result in 3 month banishment of any account tied to the IP addresses of both parties involved.



» Account sharing is not allowed. Infracting this rule yields no punishment, but your account will never be recovered for you if there is any evidence that your account has been willingly shared.

» Hacking of any kind is not permitted. If an account is reported as hacked and a hacking can be proven, any account linked to the hacker's IP address will be deleted and their IP range will be blocked indefinitely.

Note: Hacking is considered as "performing unallowed changes to said account" which includes changing the password, rooking characters and stealing items from both houses or characters.



» Selling or trading items for real life money or commodities that possess real life money value or trading items for another game currency is absolutely illegal. Doing so will result in 3 month banishment of any account tied to the IP addresses of both parties involved.

» Stealing items from other player is absolutely illegal, doing this will result in atleast 1 week banishment from any account/IP involved in the action.

Note: We also consider stealing the act of being handled items to help other person and refusing to give them back (In case there is evidence of said thing)



» Any player that takes their money back through means of claim over PayPal will be PERMANENTLY IP-RANGE BANNED

The account of the player will be HARD DELETED AUTOMATICALLY! This action is done by our servers and CANNOT BE UNDONE
This also means you agree to never donate money that is not yours.